I did the health + wellness homework for you!

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I don't know about you but I already feel like 2024 is off to a very quick start! Do you, too, or is it just me? Time is such a weird thing. 


I am still working on ‘getting back to normal routine’ after being solidly in holiday mode for a good couple weeks. But doctors appointments and procedures for the kids, covering for a coworker on days I usually don't work, and a retreat day thrown in the mix has made that a bit challenging. So, like usual, I just decided to embrace where I am. I will get there soon enough. And, if I don't, maybe the old wasn't serving me and it is time for a new rhythm of life.


This reminds me of a conversation I had last week. My daughter was struggling with getting her groove back after the holidays with school, work, and social life. She was feeling very overwhelmed by it all, and lamenting everything she had to do as it felt impossible. I gently reminded her that her number one priority was school. Then, I told her that she knows everything she wants to do, but she also knows she needs to honor herself because she is a person who needs her own space and alone time to recharge her batteries. I mentioned that feeling frustrated and continuing to complain about her situation wasn't going to solve it. Rather, she is the creator of her own life. And sometimes, and this is the hardest part, the choice isn't between what is good for you and what is bad. Sometimes the choice is between what is good for you and what is BEST. 


That takes a maturity to make that decision. How many times do we settle for good, or even good enough? How many times do we ignore that little voice inside of us whispering that we can do better or are made for more? The choice is most certainly NOT easy because usually it requires a discipline with our desires and actions. Choosing the best means letting go of the good and that can be, and feel hard, even to an adult!


Now I am not talking about being perfectionistic or hustling or striving after some unattainable status. But I think we all know the thing (or those things) that nag at us that we are being called to change, or even just adjust. Recognizing those areas and bringing awareness to them is key. Choose one thing to focus on and start there.


I want to encourage you today to take the action steps you need to choose the best for yourself. Little choices you make every single day consistently add up and literally create your future. Open yourself to possibility. What could it be like if you chose differently? 


YOU are the creator of your own life - be the hero!  It's not about being perfect, it's about progress. Life will never ever be perfectly balanced. Much like a tightrope walker, it is a balancing act. To stay upright and in the center, we will always be making adjustments along the way. Our path may be fairly straightforward; sometimes all we need is just a little tweaking.


I'm here cheering you on! Comment below and let me know how I can do that.