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Fifteen minutes can change your life

Listen, I get it. We are all busy. It's hard to find time to do any simple things for ourselves in this season of life, let alone read.

I used to be the kid who actually got in trouble for always having her nose in a book. Yes, for real. As a young adult, I would pour through an entire book series in a week. I could dive right in and get lost in the pages.

Well that was BC. Before children. Somewhere along the way I, probably like you, got all wrapped up in the feeding and care of little humans. And I forgot just how much I love to read.

As much as I can escape into a good fiction novel, I have discovered a love of non-fiction. (After college - ALL that nursing reading wore me out for a while!) I LOVE to learn and there is just SO much to read about. But who has the time to anymore???

My best recommendation (and Liz’s) is to just take 15 minutes for yourself. She likes to have a nice cuppa while carving out time in the afternoon. I prefer to add mine in at the end of my morning prayer time so I can start the day off right. Plus it becomes a part of my routine and I know that I get it in, because as a busy homeschool mama, I have no idea what the day may bring. My husband likes to read before bed as a way to unwind and prep himself for sleep.

So where ever you can make time in your day for reading - whether it is professional, spiritual, educational, informational, or just for fun - DO IT! Set a timer if you have to. You'll be surprised just how much you can read in 15 minutes. You will make progress through a book, and that always feels good. And bonus, it is personal time JUST for you.

Where will you find your fifteen minutes?

What are you gonna read???