Teaching you to take charge of your health -

learn to live your best life wholly

picture of Stacy on a stool laughing

Why Hotmess Homeschooler?

RN, Nurse Educator, lifelong wholistic wellness student (and yes, actual homeschool mama) turned functional medicine practitioner, using my love of learning, nursing background, personal experience, and expertise to help others be wholly alive + well.

I had to homeschool my own health when the traditional medical system failed me. Now I’m teaching you to take charge of yours!

Learn to live your best life less toxic.

The hotmess part?

Just embracing who I am as a person. I don't even pretend to have it all together, and I'm totally okay with that. I can keep it real. There's no room for perfection here, just small things done with great love. Be encouraged to make the changes you need in body, mind, and soul.

I'm here for empowerment, encouragement, sharing my voice and my journey, and to have fun.

And, just maybe, a little learning, too.



Launching in 2025!

A foundational approach to optimize health and wellness, including lessons on nutritional therapy, lifestyle hacks, mineral rebalancing and more.

Coming Soon photo with computer in the background


Group Coaching Opportunities are underway with more to come. Check back here to see the latest offerings.

Learn about basic homeopathy, work though a gentle parasite cleanse, balance your minerals, and more.


Functional Wellness Consults

I believe in a foundational approach to individualized whole person health, using symptoms and simple testing to determine the body’s needs for balance, remineralization, and support across all systems.

Concierge functional medicine nursing care includes:

• comprehensive assessments

• lifestyle and wholistic wellness recommendations

• discounted functional medicine testing and professional grade nutraceuticals

If you are on the struggle bus with your health, let's chat! We can set up a free discovery call to see if we are a good fit for each other.

Selfie of Stacy with words "putting the FUN in functional" and Viriditas Health Logo
picture of the shop page columns - wholistic wellness option, clean beauty and low tox personal care. supportive & safe supplements

Safe Product Swap Shop

All the links for low tox living. I did the homework for you!

Here you will find wholistic wellness and tools to take charge of your health. Skip the overwhelm and shop safe with me to live less toxic in body, mind, and soul.


Wholistic Blog

Scout's Scuffle

Scout's Scuffle

My fur babies took on an oppossum the other night and I was happy to have tools to take action afterward - and it works for humans, too! ...more

family ,body homeopathy coaching &pets

February 15, 20252 min read

Bone Broth Hot Chocolate

Bone Broth Hot Chocolate

Brrr! While it is cold outside, enjoy sipping this tasty treat made healthy. ...more


January 28, 20251 min read

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

All the joys of the season be yours! ...more

Faith ,microblog &family

December 25, 20241 min read

To the Full Podcast

Episode 36: My word for this year

Have you ever chosen a Word of the Year? I have done one for sometime. This episode I’m sharing mine with you for this year. ...more

keepin it real ,podcast

February 01, 20240 min read

Episode 36: My word for this year

Episode 35: Search for Simplicity

In today's culture, simplicity can seem kind of radical. I'm okay with that. I believe living simply is actually a deep longing of our hearts. And it's beautiful, yet easy to complicate in our day-to-... ...more

Stories ,family &podcast

September 30, 20220 min read

Episode 35: Search for Simplicity

Episode 34: Making Space

As humans, we tend to want to stay a comfortable little ball - but we were designed to stretch and grow so we can truly live our best lives. Space is giving ourselves the capacity to be more fully ali... ...more

wellness ,keepin it real &podcast

August 31, 20220 min read

Episode 34: Making Space
chartruese cros


Filled and fueled by the Holy Spirit, and guided by His grace.

blue anchor


Inspiration and information to help you walk in wellness.

red hear


Each and every person on their journey is met where they are.

graphic for alive & well collective, Stacy's community group with logos and words "because we are created for community"

Looking for Community?

Of course you are - we were created for it!

Our Collective is an online gathering place where we can walk together on our wellness journey.

Let’s be alive+well!

Free guide cover: Detox Made Simple - Your beginner's guide to reducing toxins naturally


Detox Made Simple

Your beginner's guide to clearing toxins and supporting your body naturally

Learn how your body naturally detoxes—and how to support it effectively. No extreme cleanses or endless supplements, just actionable, simple strategies to reduce toxic exposure and feel better every day.

Feel better, live lighter, and love your health!

Download your FREE "Detox Made Simple" guide now!


I did the homework for you!

Teaching you to take charge of your health and live your best life wholly.

Female Veteran Business Owner  image with a woman saluting on a patriotic background

COPYRIGHT © 2025 hotmess homeschooler • ALL RIGHTS RESERVED