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On Freedom

Happy New Year! Have you heard of the Word of the Year concept? In a nutshell it is one word to guide and direct your year versus a list of resolutions.

I have done this for about 10 years now off and on, and have always chosen mine based on what I wanted to achieve or goals I had. But I read something that suggested praying for a word to see what God was intending for your life. I love this idea! So last month, I prayed very specifically for God to speak a word to me clearly. Over time one surfaced, but in typical Stacy fashion, I prayed for confirmation to be sure, telling God to hit me with the 2x4 so I knew it to be truly His will and not something I was consciously choosing.

I felt like it was confirmed, and on the day before New Year's Eve sat in my quiet church in His presence and asked Him what I was to make of that word and how He wanted me to follow it. My pen was flying over the page as the thoughts came streaming...it was awesome! I felt like I had a divine download!

Then, at mass last weekend, the priest preached a homily that struck my heart...more confirmation. And a friend asked me to participate in a 90-day program for women focusing on prayer, fasting, and humbling ourselves before Christ...not to earn anything or for our own victory, but to change us in our response to His love and mercy. Again, how great is God - He is so good! Literally giving me exactly what I needed and showing me very directly how He wanted me to follow His word for me.

So what’s the word that I received? FREE.

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1

God wants me to be FREE. Free to follow Him wholeheartedly. Free to experience TRUE freedom in Him. Free to give of my time, talent, and treasure. Free to let go of what I am holding onto, to stay focused and not distracted. Free from desire of worldy things - to be a good steward of my blessings and to not be bound by the world’s chains. Free in body, mind, and spirit. Free to live as I ought, by honoring my body as a temple of the holy spirit. Free from burdens of unhealthy food, alcohol and sugar, and poor habits. Free to experience health, joy, and to live fully. Free to grow in my business without fear or comparison - to be disciplined and obedient, and to work with meaning in service to the Lord. Free from political and worldly ideologies - to nurture my family, educate my kids for heaven, and to think critically here on Earth. Free to live my faith out loud - to create a sanctuary and Catholic culture in our home.

It takes discipline now to truly experience and live out that freedom. It is like our journey here in this lifetime, we try to live worthily and well so we are prepared for heaven, where we will be prospered abundantly with eternal life in Christ. This is why the 90 day program I am doing is amazing - it literally gave me the framework at the beginning in how to proceed for the year. It is in the ungripping of my fists from what I have tightly clung to that I truly can open myself in eyes, heart, and mind to receiving His abundance and blessings for me. To become the person He created me to be. To truly help me live free of comforts and worldly attachments which can often distract and derail spiritual growth and development.

My question to guide me throughout the year will be, “Will this lead me to freedom or slavery?”

This program and the length had me feeling a bit daunted and overwhelmed...even from day one!!! But my focus so far has been to just be taking one day at a time as I align myself with His will for me. That's all I can really do. And I have stumbled already, and messed up. Realistically I know I will do it again, but I'll just pick myself up and keep going. Always forward, never back. I am also blessed to have an amazing (and maybe a little crazy) group of friends who agreed to do this with me, and they provide me valuable support, truth, love, and encouragement. Praise God for true sisterhood!

So many blessings have already come from one week of this, and as I continue to let go of myself and learn to trust God more, I look forward to recognizing Him and deepening our relationship further. I ask your prayers for all of us on this journey, that this time of pruning of ourselves leads to fruitfulness for the Kingdom. I am excited for 2021 despite the current climate of our physical world. In fact, it has helped me really see just how important this journey actually is.

Do you have a word of the year for 2021? What is it and how did you choose?