Quarantine Quandry

I don't know about you but I have been struggling this week. Not with fears of the virus, or stress over finding toilet paper or food, but with overwhelm and innundation. Like most of you, I have a running list of projects that I am in the midst of, a lot of unfinished work, stuff I "should" be doing, and things I just want to get done. Not only checked off, but obliterated off the list.

As a regularly homeschoolin' mama who also happens to work from home, my life has not been all that much affected by this quarantine. Or has it? Not leaving the house for normal activities has me a bit dazed and confused. Turns out those activities anchor my week and give me a starting point for everything else.

Now I am home constantly, feeding those kids all the.dang.time, and everything I need to do is staring me in the face, mocking me. And I feel all this pressure to not waste this time we have been given, to make good use of this pause. However, it is just stressing me out and making me not want to do anything except avoid it all. And listen, I do NOT need any help at all when it comes to procrastination!!!

I know I am doing this to myself. Thankfully I have friends who put up with me verbally processing all of this and offer encouragement and advice. Regroup and refocus. I don't need to do it all right now, I need to do just one thing. Do the next right thing (a la Frozen 2). Rome wasn't conquered in a day, and neither will my house. But I CAN do one thing. And then another. One baby step at a time.

Isn't that what I always say? Just get started, take your baby steps because they all add up to BIG change? Sometimes we just need to be reminded of our inner wisdom

Also, after being a hot second away from truly homeless, I finally showered!!! And did makeup! (p.s. making my bed is never on the list 🤷)

My school table is my thing today. What's yours???

Stacy Meyers

Learn to live less toxic in body, mind, and soul - I did the homework for you! 📚 Shop safe with me and skip the overwhelm. I’ll connect you to wholistic wellness + tools to take charge of your health.


And then…


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