Shush your mouth!
Shush your mouth! What in the actual heck am I doing now?
Mouth taping at night while I sleep! Sounds crazy I know...but check out these benefits.
Mouth breathing is not good for you and has many negative consequences. As I've gotten older (and heavier), Eric has informed me that I have become a mouth breather at night.
The benefits of breathing through your nose include:
Reduced snoring
Increased daytime energy
Improved self-reported sleep quality
Reduced mouth dryness upon waking
Reduced anxiety and it can help you relax
Protection from your airways narrowing due to exercise
Reduced severity of exercise-induced asthma
And on the flip side, mouth breathing can lead to:
Bad breath
Tooth decay
A dry mouth and sore throat upon waking
Sleep disorders like sleep apnea
Symptoms that look like ADHD
High blood pressure
Lowered blood oxygen levels
Impaired brain function
Increased stress response (and stress and anxiety can easily disrupt your sleep)
Mouth breathing in children can lead to developmental issues in their face shape, as well as sleep loss — which can impact their growth, academic performance, and behavior (and a potential misdiagnosis of ADHD, which has very similar symptoms to sleep deprivation).
For more detailed info on why mouth breathing is no bueno, check this book out.
I found this tape hilariously titled hostage tape, and it works great! I have tried other brands on Amazon and reordered this one because I like it better. Some people also use micropore tape, or even a strip of kinesiology tape. They are less expensive options if you want to try it out. I prefer the hostage tape for the stability of having my whole mouth shut, and it even sticks on my serumed up skin!
If you are interested in trying Hostage Tape, and finding out why I think it is superior, please order here. *use code STACY76854 for 10% off*
Anyone else tape their mouth at night? Have you noticed any benefits?