Start the day off strong.

Remember who you are and Whose you are.

wellness, microblog Stacy Meyers wellness, microblog Stacy Meyers

Seed Cycling

Seed cycling is an ancient practice for hormone balance and regulation, a real food option for a better period and less PMS. Who knew, right? Starting my journey here, come along with me.

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wellness, microblog Stacy Meyers wellness, microblog Stacy Meyers

Lemony Love

Today is National Lemon Juice Day where we celebrate the diversity of this amazing citrus fruit. From salad dressings and sauces, cocktails and drinks, to home remedies and cleaners, the lemon is a versatile powerhouse of both taste and nutrition!

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recipes Stacy Meyers recipes Stacy Meyers

Vegan Sticky Sesame Chickpeas

We do meatless Fridays, and my daughter is trying out veganism for the month of January. We made this tonight and it was a hit served with arborio rice and lightly steamed broccoli.

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