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Treading water

Don't mind me...I'm just over here trying to stay afloat. Actually, everything is just fine. I am treading water as I adjust to this year's schedule of homeschool and activities while trying to find my rhythm.

This is a season of growth, and we all know that isn't easy. I am still solo parenting, too. I am only one woman for ALL.the.things that need to be done and for meeting the needs of the humans under my care.

So, I decided to treat myself like I would one of my girlfriends, with grace and mercy. Instead of feeling like I am not doing enough or crossing off every single box on my to-do list, I am focusing on all the things I HAVE been doing (which is a lot! Yay for positive changes!)

I am resting when my body is tired, fueling it up well, staying hydrated, sleeping enough at night, and making time for prayer and play and connection. Not all at once and most certainly not perfectly. I still have lots of room for improvement - especially with the moving my body stuff. My yard needs weeded and cleaned up, there are piles on my floor, and laundry that needs tended to. And then there is homeschooling, church ministry, kid activities, appointments, etc, etc etc...it is a lot.

My life is FULL, sometimes to overflow it seems. But so is my heart! I am filled with praise and gratitude for all of my blessings with which I have been entrusted and I pray I am a good steward of them. I love this life I get to live and hope I can make the best of every twist and turn along the way. In the meantime, I'm going to just keep treading until I catch my stride and swim in the flow.