We are what we absorb
We are what we absorb. What are we taking through our 5 senses into our body, mind, soul, and spirit?
Here are some questions to ponder this week.
Physically - What are we eating and drinking? We know the saying garbage in/garbage out, and understand that junk food can make us feel drastically different than eating actual nourishing food. BUT we can consume something (like the best organic food or amazing supplements) and if our body does not breakdown and assimilate the nutrients into our system, it is useless - literally being flushed down the drain. We have to be able to absorb what we ingest for it to be of any benefit. Good gut health matters critically to our overall well-being!
Mentally - What we are consuming every day, looking at with our eyes, and taking in affect our thoughts, mindset, and even behaviors. Social media can be a big reason for comparison and resulting anxiety or depression. Succumbing to the pressure, expectations, and lies of the world are easy when that is what you put in front of you all day long. The entire water of the sea can't sink a ship, unless it gets inside the ship. Similarly, the negativity of the world can't put you down unless you allow it to get inside you! Stay strong and remember who you are and Whose you are by saying daily declarations over your life to ground you in your true identity. (Get your free download HERE.)
Soul - What do you do with time that you have? How do you spend it? Chilling with Netflix, drinking, and scrolling your phone can be fun - heck, I like all of those things! But there is a huge difference between resting and relaxing and escapism. Can you recognize that line? What can you do that is truly life-giving? Where can you find true rejuvenation? (hint: not on a channel or the bottom of a wine bottle). Find an activity that you love, take some time to create something beautiful, read a magazine with a cup of tea, or go for a walk. Those are things that will nourish you instead of suck the life out.
Spiritually - Are we plugging in with the power of prayer? Or are we using other things as distractions or even idols? Where do we turn for recharge and uplifting? If we are looking to the world, we will take in all sorts of negativity and other unwanted things. We can know and find Truth, so make sure you are centered on Him. Start your day with a “Good morning, God!,” practice gratitude by journaling 5 things everyday for which you are thankful, and praise and worship through song, silent prayer, church services, and contemplation. Open your bible and be inspired.
Whether we are speaking of digestion, product application on our skin, what we look at with our eyes, or do with our spare time, what we take IN to our self matters. But more importantly, what actually GETS inside of us matters most. We want our good nutrients to get into our cells and fuel our bodies, but we don’t want negativity and doubt hanging around anywhere.
We become what we consume (and absorb). Choose wisely. Like good gut health, if our foundation is strong, we can reject the things that don't align with our wellbeing. Let's protect and curate our consumption while we build that solid foundation in body, mind, soul, and spirit.