Episode 10: Ch-ch-changes…our current homeschool journey

The episode I DO actually talk about homeschooling. Over the past year, it has become more apparent to me that some changes need to be made with my youngest so I can best serve him as both his mama AND homeschool teacher. Here is where we are right now. I am sharing my thoughts and my tools with you in case any of it can help you along your journey.

Whether you or not you are a parent, or even homeschool, I believe there are some nuggets of encouragement and inspiration you can find that resonate with you and apply to your own situation.

Be brave to make those changes in your life you know you need to. You are the boss of your self! Remember, we can do hard things. And if it doesn't work out how you hoped, change it up again! I am in your corner, cheering you on. I believe in YOU.

For links to the tools and books I spoke of, please go to the shop tab above under amazon favorites. To chat curriculum or supplementation, please reach out directly - I'd be happy to connect and share specifics.

Be alive+well!

Stacy Meyers

Learn to live less toxic in body, mind, and soul - I did the homework for you! 📚 Shop safe with me and skip the overwhelm. I’ll connect you to wholistic wellness + tools to take charge of your health.


Episode 11: Mindset Matters


Episode 9: An easy way to honor Earth Day