Episode 8: Showing Up

Ever have certain things you say as the parent or teacher come back to you and turn you into the student?

Yeah, me too.

I always say these 2️⃣ things to my kids but in reality God is hitting ME with the 2x4 as of late.

I just did a podcast on it. 

Listen in if you need clarification on this hotmess homeschooler thing and if you need encouragement to show up just as you are, too. Your people want YOU. All sides.

And comment below with any feedback or suggestions you have for me! I look forward to showing up for you and creating content that brings you value.

Stacy Meyers

Learn to live less toxic in body, mind, and soul - I did the homework for you! 📚 Shop safe with me and skip the overwhelm. I’ll connect you to wholistic wellness + tools to take charge of your health.


Episode 9: An easy way to honor Earth Day


Episode 7: Curate your Consumption