A drawn black cross

Lenten Observance

February 17, 20243 min read

It's President's Day weekend and I have ALL the long weekend vibes going! In fact, as I type this, I am still in my pajamas trying to get ‘caught up’ after a whirlwind of a couple weeks. Of course, I am trying to cram 3 days worth of work into about 6 hours, so we will see how it goes. 

I also finally took down our Christmas decorations yesterday - I know, I know - I pushed the boundaries, even for a Catholic! We are into Lent now lol. As much as I miss the close, well-lit, cozy feel of the Christmas decor, the house feels so much more open now and even a bit tidier, albeit darker. Although, on reflection, maybe that is a fitting feeling as we begin Lent.

I know life doesn't ever get “unbusier” but I am trying to find pockets of presence, rest, and productivity in a very FULL season that demands a lot of my time and energy. It is all good stuff, but there is only one of me. And as this week's college visit with my daughter reminded me, time can be a thief and it all goes waaaay too quickly. I don't want to live distracted and bogged down in the weeds, and miss out on everything going on around me, especially during these precious years. So, in God's perfect timing, Lent begins in austerity.

Ideally, it's a time of silence and minimal distraction to focus on what really matters - our relationship with Jesus. In an effort to discipline myself - my soul, my flesh, and my mind (and ultimately my time) - I have decided to really focus on simple things that help bring me more in alignment with becoming the person I was created to be. A sort-of rhythm of life to help center my activities and ensure my time is being well-spent. My 2024 word(s) of the year were silence and here and now (hic et nunc) which led me to Hineni (Hebrew for Here am I, Lord). You can listen to the podcast here for more details. 

Instead of giving up something, or doing something extra, as is typically the practice, I am going to live out my daily disciplines better and well, being very mindful of the expenditure of my time and energy and how that aligns with this season. Some of these are very basic, but I am a huge believer in the idea that what we measure, we manage. So I created a checklist for myself, not to be scrupulous or obsessive with 'checking the box,' but to make me aware of all the moments in my days/weeks that I miss because of scrolling mindlessly, wasting time, or even that ‘milling about’ when looking back I am not even sure what I was doing but felt busy. Some things on the list are my specific prayer practices, activities that elevate my mind, and the physical metrics that help advance my health and wellbeing. I like a checklist because I am a paper/pen kinda gal, and that works to center me.

I choose to see Lent as a joyful time to prepare our hearts for the glory of Easter, not gloom, doom, and lack. Over the years, I have done a variety of things but this year, this is what kept coming to me in prayer. God has certainly put me on a path, and completing what work He gave me to do feels very right.

How about you? Do you observe Lent? What are you doing to ‘rend your hearts’ in preparation? Comment below and let me know. I will be praying for you, please pray for me!

After taking charge of my own health, I am living my life less toxic - and sharing it all with you! A little about me:

RN educator, functional medicine practitioner, wellness concierge, homeschool mama, happy wife, joyful catholic, hype girl, social butterfly, big squishy hugger, label reader.

Stacy Meyers

After taking charge of my own health, I am living my life less toxic - and sharing it all with you! A little about me: RN educator, functional medicine practitioner, wellness concierge, homeschool mama, happy wife, joyful catholic, hype girl, social butterfly, big squishy hugger, label reader.

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