Scout the rat terrier and Indy the english cream dachshund

Scout's Scuffle

February 15, 20252 min read

My little Scout (and Indy) got into a scuffle with an opossum last night. Poor Scout got bit on his head and lip. I heard about it as Emily and I were pulling in the neighborhood from bible study.

Eric called the emergency Vet but I was able to step right into action with the homeopathy kit I had at home. I dosed the appropriate remedies (for physical and emotional distress) and have been monitoring him. He is doing fine.

I also used homeopathy primarily to treat Oliver when he had the flu and have been using it as the medicine of choice here for the last year with great success for all sorts of issues.

Having these little sugar balls on hand has given me a preparedness and a confidence in being able to handle what life throws at us (Yes, even opossums!) This is a fabulous tool to have in your wellness arsenal to take charge of your health. And when you can match the right remedy, the results are almost like magic.

And since this occured, I have used homeopathy to treat shingles, tick bites, a paw infection, and broken bones/pain. As many conditions as humans and animals experience, there's a remedy for that! The trick is knowing what to use when.

Next month (actually in just a few weeks), I am planning on leading a foundational homeopathy study group - the course that got me started on my journey. It's an easy way to learn more and empower yourself with a safe, effective medication for everyone in your family (even the fur babies) with no side effects!

If you are interested, you can visit this link and get all the information and register. If the Spring class doesn't work, this is something I plan on offering again. Sign up for the news here so you can stay informed.

* you can see his little bite on his forehead

** yes my tree is still up, don't even judge me, I LOVE it.

Scout in front of the christmas tree and Stacy's hand holding the pet homeopathy kit

After taking charge of my own health, I am living my life less toxic - and sharing it all with you! A little about me:

RN educator, functional medicine practitioner, wellness concierge, homeschool mama, happy wife, joyful catholic, hype girl, social butterfly, big squishy hugger, label reader.

Stacy Meyers

After taking charge of my own health, I am living my life less toxic - and sharing it all with you! A little about me: RN educator, functional medicine practitioner, wellness concierge, homeschool mama, happy wife, joyful catholic, hype girl, social butterfly, big squishy hugger, label reader.

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Teaching you to take charge of your health and live your best life wholly.

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