merry christmas tree with holiday wishes

Merry Christmas!

December 25, 20241 min read

I am not sure what was different this year, but it has been an absolutely lovely Advent preparing for the magic of Christmas. I was busy but felt such a peace and joy. As a family, we worked on readying not only our homes, but most importantly, our hearts to make space for the coming Christ-child. It wasn't always ideal, but there was such beauty in our imperfect efforts. The main thing was that we showed up consistently. And isn't that what life is really all about anyway?

If your December hasn't looked like mine, it's okay. Every year is different, and we happened upon a special one. Other years have felt ‘off,’ rushed, unprepared, sad, or lonely. If this is you this year, don't fret! Jesus comes right into all the mess of our real lives to meet us right where we are. God WITH us - what a wonderfully comforting thought!

Savor the small moments that make you smile. Breathe them in to carry you through. And my wish for you, no matter what it has looked like so far, is that you have a multitude of those moments. Collect them to cherish. And may the peace of Christ be with you now and always, and His joy radiate through the fabric of your lives in this holiday season and onward.

From my home to yours, we wish you a very Merry and blessed Christmas!

stacy and family celebrating christmas

After taking charge of my own health, I am living my life less toxic - and sharing it all with you! A little about me:

RN educator, functional medicine practitioner, wellness concierge, homeschool mama, happy wife, joyful catholic, hype girl, social butterfly, big squishy hugger, label reader.

Stacy Meyers

After taking charge of my own health, I am living my life less toxic - and sharing it all with you! A little about me: RN educator, functional medicine practitioner, wellness concierge, homeschool mama, happy wife, joyful catholic, hype girl, social butterfly, big squishy hugger, label reader.

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