Wholistic Blog

health, hope, and all the hotmess musings + miscellany


who·lis·tic /hōˈlistik/


encompassing the whole of a thing, and not just the part

Daily Declaration freebie to start your day with affirmations of health and identity.

Speak Life:

Start your day off strong!

Remember who you are and Whose you are.

Declare these truths over your life daily to root and ground yourself in your identity.

Bone Broth Hot Chocolate

Bone Broth Hot Chocolate

Brrr! While it is cold outside, enjoy sipping this tasty treat made healthy.

‘Medicine Ball’ Tea

‘Medicine Ball’ Tea

When you are under the weather, brew up your own cuppa sunshine with this yummy copycat tea recipe.

Chicken soup for body and soul

Chicken soup for body and soul

Chicken soup is healing for body and soul when you feel sickie. This is my favorite recipe ever. Enjoy!

Orzo Arugula Salad

Orzo Arugula Salad

This is a tasty and delicious dish that is sure to please - and easy to make, too!

Detox Made Simple guide cover featuring lemon water and tips for natural detoxification.


Detox Made Simple

Your beginner's guide to clearing toxins and supporting your body naturally

Learn how your body naturally detoxes—and how to support it effectively. No extreme cleanses or endless supplements, just actionable, simple strategies to reduce toxic exposure and feel better every day.

Feel better, live lighter, and love your health!

Download your FREE "Detox Made Simple" guide now!


I did the homework for you!

Teaching you to take charge of your health and live your best life wholly.

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