Vegan Sticky Sesame Chickpeas

My daughter is going vegan for January to see how it goes. She scoured pinterest and we tried this recipe from Counts of the Nether World. It was quick, easy, delicious - and reheated very well the next day. I am NOT vegan and actually looked forward to the leftovers. We did add a touch more maple syrup to sweeten.



1½ tbsp toasted sesame-oil

2 cans chickpeas

2 tsp rice-vinegar

⅓ cup tamari or soy-sauce

3 tbsp maple-syrup

4 tbsp vegetable-broth or water divided

3 cloves garlic

⅓ tsp ground-ginger

1 tbsp avocado-oil or olive-oil

1 tbsp arrowroot-powder


Drain and rinse chickpeas and put aside. Then mince the garlic and then add into a saute pan using the olive or avocado oil.

Saute for a couple of minutes or till the garlic is extremely fragrant. Then in a small-bowl blend the arrowroot-powder and 2 tablespoons of the vegetable-broth and blend till no clumps stay. Put aside.

To the saute pan with garlic, add the tamari, toasted sesame-oil, maple-syrup, rice-vinegar, ginger and also the extra 2 tablespoon of vegetable-broth. Whisk together.

Add in the arrowroot mixture and stir. When bubbles begin to form, add the chickpeas & stir till they are nicely coated.

Cook on low-heat till the sauce becomes thick and sticky about 5 minutes. stirring occasionally.

Remove from the heat and let sit to allow the chickpeas to absorb all the taste.

Serve and enjoy with steamed rice, quinoa or broccoli

Let me know if you try this! I am as carnivorous as they come and I am super excited to make this again!

Stacy Meyers

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