Picture of be positive

Episode 7: Curate your Consumption

February 04, 20213 min read

We are what we consume.

Whether we are talking about junk food or social media, this is absolutely true. What are you feeding yourself?

Garbage in, garbage out.

Most people think this relates to our physical bodies, but this is true of our mental input. Our bodies are a gift and quite literally carry us through this life. But we are also a mind and a soul inside of this physical self. So as junky processed “food” doesn’t nourish our bodies, negativity and fear don’t feed our souls. What are the words we speak to ourselves? Would you talk to your best friend that way? Or allow someone else to? Why is it different when it comes to our own self-talk?

If we are dwelling in a poor internal environment, we can’t really expect to live our best lives and show up well. Just as we know children don’t perform at their best when they are being criticized constantly and judged harshly, why do we expect differently when it comes to ourselves? We need to change what we hear to be able to do better. We need to be that voice for our own selves - of positivity, encouragement, and love.

Positive self-talk, affirmations, and curating our consumption of media (in all forms), are great ways to input goodness into our lives so we can rise up and become who we were created to be. We have to fill ourselves with this so the negativity of the world around us doesn’t creep in or have room to grow. This is an intentional choice we can all do - and make a difference in minutes a day.

Liz Montigny of Liz Montigny Coaching shares her top 3 tips on self-talk:

Your mental input, what you choose to think about, determines everything about how you live.

1. Ask yourself: is what I am reading, viewing, listening to, watching, discussing with friends, coworkers, family, and saying to myself in self-talk bringing me closer to achieving my desires, creating hope, and improving my skills?

2. Choose what you consume daily, and I'm not talking food here... are you mindlessly scrolling social media or are you choosing the right input so you can learn and grow?

3. The fastest way to success is to replace a bad habit with a good habit.

Liz has self talk cards you can download HERE.

My Daily Declaration is available for download HERE.

Remember to read these ALOUD, in front of a mirror if possible, 2 times daily. Create a simple routine for yourself to stay consistent. Put these somewhere so you can see them...in a journal, your planner, hang up on your desk - mine is taped to my bathroom mirror! Use a chalk marker to write some favorite sayings on your window or mirror, too! Read these every day, especially before meetings or important appointments. On the go use your phone camera in selfie mode or make an audio recording of these on your phone (or using the thinkup app).

The multi-sensorial input of reading the affirmation, hearing yourself speak the words, while watching yourself in the mirror is SO powerful! I like to combine a favorite essential oil blend and inhale while I am saying mine as another way to anchor it all in. Scent is a strong way to tie in the words while exercising that mental muscle! Even if it seems silly at first, or you don’t necessarily believe what you are repeating...try it for a month and see what a difference it can make in how you show up as a person, to your family, and in your job!

What do you have to lose? Only some negativity and criticism! Love yourself enough to give it a shot - I think you are worth it! As Liz says, live a life of purpose on purpose.

If you take this challenge, be sure to let me know your thoughts below. 

I’d love to hear how this is working out for you.


After taking charge of my own health, I am living my life less toxic - and sharing it all with you! A little about me:

RN educator, functional medicine practitioner, wellness concierge, homeschool mama, happy wife, joyful catholic, hype girl, social butterfly, big squishy hugger, label reader.

Stacy Meyers

After taking charge of my own health, I am living my life less toxic - and sharing it all with you! A little about me: RN educator, functional medicine practitioner, wellness concierge, homeschool mama, happy wife, joyful catholic, hype girl, social butterfly, big squishy hugger, label reader.

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