Start the day off strong.

Remember who you are and Whose you are.

wellness, microblog Stacy Meyers wellness, microblog Stacy Meyers

Lemony Love

Today is National Lemon Juice Day where we celebrate the diversity of this amazing citrus fruit. From salad dressings and sauces, cocktails and drinks, to home remedies and cleaners, the lemon is a versatile powerhouse of both taste and nutrition!

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wellness Stacy Meyers wellness Stacy Meyers

We are what we absorb

We are what we absorb. What are we taking through our 5 senses into our body, mind, soul, and spirit? What we take IN to our self matters. But more importantly, what actually GETS inside of us matters most. Here are some questions to ponder this week.

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wellness Stacy Meyers wellness Stacy Meyers

Yes, size does matter.

Remember, y’all, your skin is your largest organ and is a carrier NOT a barrier. What you put ON goes IN. THIS IS WHY SIZE MATTERS! Especially when talking titanium dioxide…

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wellness, microblog Stacy Meyers wellness, microblog Stacy Meyers

Self Care

International Self Care Day was this week, promoting self-care as a vital foundation of your health and lifestyle. But these are principles we should incorporate on some level every single day.

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wellness Stacy Meyers wellness Stacy Meyers

Seeing pink?

What is pinkwashing and why is it so important? I'm willing to bet you’ve been pinkwashed. Especially during the breast cancer awareness month of October, known as “pinktober.” Does this month have you seeing pink?

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